At HUMMA Farms

We strive to produce fresh, delicious, and wholesome dairy products and give you a choice of real food, by committing to quality to deliver value without dilution.

One Origin

Every drop of milk comes straight from our own farm to make sure the entire process is governed by us, which gives no scope for any malpractices to take place, at any stage. All we want is the Goodness of milk, just as nature intended it to be. Nothing more, and nothing less.

The Fodder matters the most

They are fed with organically grown greens and fodder. Our cows enjoy a balanced diet as per seasons, designed by our dietician. And, in, any emergency a doctor on call 24×7. This “Total Meal Ration” is designed to keep cows at the pinnacle of health with one purpose in mind: to produce real wholesome milk.

Happy cows give the best milk

Littered with comfortable places to chill, barns with giant fans and sprinklers and high roofs to keep them cool, they enjoy regular access to automatic massage parlours and their favourite music. These little things matter to the cows. After all it’s the happy cows that give the best quality milk.

We know our cows by names

Thanks to RFID tagged collars, we know everything about our cows, including each and every cow’s name. It helps us maintain detailed health records, and track their well-being.

Treating the milk right

Milk from parlour is instantly chilled to below 4°C and then pasteurized at 72°C, keeping all nutritional value intact. The process destroys bacteria immediately and is essential in maintaining milk quality & taste. Bottled fresh every day and gets delivered within hours of milking.

Delivering freshness

Our cold-chain delivery process ensures that the milk is good to the last drop after it reaches you. So, all you have to do is to sit back and enjoy your bottle of goodness.

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